Our People
Governance at Proveda
Proveda is governed by a voluntary, highly skilled Board of Directors with lived experience. The Board provides leadership, oversight and strategic guidance.
Our governance framework supports the organisation and underpins our day-to-day activities, provides transparency, and protects the interests of all stakeholders.
The Board meet on a regular basis to oversee, contribute to, and approve the strategic direction of Proveda, including significant organisational strategic initiatives. Its emphasis is on having an outward vision and strategic leadership, cultivating a diversity of viewpoints, collective decision-making, thereby delivering the goals of the organisation.
Company Structure
The entire organisational operational and governance structure is designed to put customers first. The upside-down triangle represents the way in which we work to deliver quality care to customers. The Board provide strategic guidance to enable the Leadership Team to best support all front-line workers, who in-turn can then deliver quality services to customers.
We empower our team members to provide individualised support and we build important internal connections and external links, to ensure we constantly create an ever expanding environment of solution focused know-how. Our service model is geared to monitoring and maintaining contact with each person as and when they prefer, and our goal is to cross-skill and upskill our teams (where appropriate) to continue to provide a high level of quality care.
The People That Guide Us
Kaz (Karen) Dawson
Chief Executive OfficerB.Bus, Dip. Business (Mktg)
Anna Buddo
Manager - Quality and RiskCMgr MIML, BCAPSc, Dip Dietetics
Melissa Slavin
Manager – Service DeliveryBSc(Hons), MClinNeuropsych,PhD
Linda Kilp
Manager – Partnerships and GrowthFAICD
Tina Wang
Manager – Finance and ComplianceM(Accounting), CPA, M(IHHM)
Jessie Williams
Manager – Community ProgramsBA (Govt), GradCert (Adult Ed) Exec Coach
Lorraine Wood
Manager – People and OperationsBHRM
Narelle Baigent
Manager – Marketing and CommunicationsBA(Comms), GradDipMktg, GradDipDigitalMktg
Board of Directors
Chris Liell-Cock
ChairpersonBComm, CPA, GAICD
Chris Hunt
Treasurer - BSc Environmental ServicesMSc Biotechnology, FCMA, MAICD
Dr Osanda Wijeratne
Director - BMed,BSurg (MBBS), MPublicHealth, MRACGP, AMACLM, AFRACMA
Virginia Hazard
DirectorBLaws, MLaws, MAICD
Maria Padisetti
Anastasia Ioannou
DirectorBBiomed Sc, MHA, GAICD
Mary Ramsay
DirectorBEc, MCom, GAICD
Dr Sam Steele
DirectorMBBS, BAppSc(Physio), FAFRM
FAChPM, MMed(Pain Mgt)
Clinical Governance Committe
Osanda Wijeratne
ChairpersonSandy Matthews
CommitteeKatrina Horman
CommitteeConsumer Advisory Group
Proveda actively engages with a consumer advisory group on a regular basis who provide advice and input on programs, services and communications. Advice directly from the community through this group, ensures that we are building and delivering programs and materials that meet their needs.
Proveda is seeking to implement a ‘Voice Of The Elders’ (VOTE) advisory group. Anyone interested in participating in this group, should contact Anna Buddo on anna.buddo@proveda.com.au.